

Good to know

אנחנו יכולים להתקין מגוון רחב של תוספים למערכת ניהול הלמידה בארגון שלך. כל תוסף עובר את הבקרות והבדיקות שלנו כדי שיוכל להשתלב בצורה מיטבית עם המערכת. עם זאת, כדאי לשים לב כי יוצר התוסף We can install a wide range of plugins for your LMS, each thoroughly tested to ensure optimal integration. However, it’s important to note that the plugin creator is responsible for updating compatibility with new Moodle versions.

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The system allows for managing training and one-on-one sessions through multiple meetings, including sending reminders to personal calendars and tracking attendance.

Users in the system can be divided into different learning pathways. Even within a specific course, personalized pathways can be created based on prior skills and competencies.

Through various authentication providers such as registration forms, SMS notifications, and mandatory fields, the system ensures accurate learner data validation.

Learning easily becomes virtual. You can watch and listen to lectures (asynchronously), ask questions in the chat, and even participate in group discussions.

The system allows sending reminders when a course is about to start. Additionally, if needed, other teams and management can receive updates about the course launch.

By awarding badges, achievements can be celebrated mid-course, progress can be showcased, and the learning experience can be made more enjoyable. Additionally, at the end of a course, branded and personalized PDF certificates can be easily generated for distribution, either in-person or virtually.

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